Jewelmint and all of the “Mint” family sites are running a 50% off sale items deal right now.

Also, if you buy two items you get free shipping. On sale + 50% off + free shipping (assuming you order at least two things) so it’s an amazing deal.
They’re probably hoping you can’t resist picking up something for full price as well. I think all of the “Mint” companies are a little on the high side since I can get similar quality costume jewelry at a locally owned store near me for about $15 apiece full price. But I stay subscribed, click “skip month” each month when I get the notice and watch for specials and have been able to pick up some really nice pieces when they’ve either gone on sale or they run a promo.
I’ve been somewhat interested in buying something from ShoeMint and StyleMint but kept putting it off.
What I ended up ordering from JewelMint, StyleMint  & ShoeMint today:
JewelMint’s Trove Hoop earrings are normally a $29.99 down to $10 on sale. They look like a good wardrobe staple and I don’t often see good two tone jewelry. Customer live chat said they aren’t a heavy earring so here’s to hoping that that’s correct.
I’ve had my eye on the ShoeMint Hejsa neon pink sandal for awhile but again didn’t think they were worth the $80. At $31.99 PLUS 50% off they are just $15.99 – yeah no brainer. Neon and neutral!! Yay!
Same went for the Stylemint Broderick T in Lilac Rose (another hot pink) normally $29.99 and only $11.50 on sale. This one I debated for a little longer because of fit and because it looks like it could be sheer. A shirt that isn’t worn still isn’t worth $11.50 but I thought it was worth the risk. Their return policy looks like it involves a restocking fee so you hit a point where something is not worth returning. I guess if it doesn’t fit I’ll throw it in a giveaway (I plan on doing another giveaway soon so keep an eye out here and don’t forget to subscribe via bloglovin’ or other rss reader.)
There were no sale items from IntiMint available in my size so I just skipped that one.
All in total I spent $37.48Â including free shipping for a pair of shoes, shirt and earrings.
I’ll be doing reviews when I get them in here. I was having a hard time coming up with reviews of the StyleMint shirts in particular so hopefully I can help people out on that front by sharing some video on that when I get it in.
Oh one last thought. I hadn’t realized that Jewelmint had started doing something similar to Birchbox where your purchases build points towards a jewelmint credit aka freebie. Granted at my snails pace that might be awhile. 🙂

Have you bought anything you loved from the Mint stores lately?
JewelMint + StyleMint + ShoeMint + IntiMint