Since I had a few more products come in to send back out, I decided to do two boxes. This also kept my shipping weight under 1 lb for each box AND allowed me to fit everything into two boxes.

So on to announcing the winners from the October Mystery Birchbox & Ipsy grabbag contest

Julie won the “grand prize” … which meant she got to pick her box. She chose box # 1
(Link to Julie’s blog: )
Tina came in second and will receive box # 2

And seeing as these were the only two people to enter the mystery contest, I thought I would make you all jealous of what they were sent by sharing the photos below. 😛

Shame on me for making it a mystery grab bag, no photos and no products listed… not good for SEO, yes I was being lazy but I STILL figured I would still have more than 2 people enter!!!
Sheesh y’all…

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October Mystery Birchbox & Ipsy grabbag - box 1

October Mystery Birchbox & Ipsy grabbag - box 2