Someone recently posted the following video about bikinis over on facebook and it made me really summarize some of my thoughts about the swimsuits and bikinis. You may or may not agree with me but go ahead and watch the… Continue Reading →
I ended up going back by Marshall’s looking for a swim suit. I had found one there before my beach vacation at the beginning of August that I hadn’t committed to because it was a bit of a risk with… Continue Reading →
… and they want this swimsuit back. What in the world were they thinking? Lace yourself – the beach is waiting? Wha? I’m also imagining some horrible tan lines with that thing. The lace, the zig zagging. Fuglyness.
Ok, so this was freehanded and I had no pattern. I cut it apart, sewed some things together tried it on, sewed some more, tried it on again, sewed some more until I was done. I tried to outline a… Continue Reading →
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