Tag necklace

OOTD – Military green pants, leopard ballet flats, fedora –
October 2 2013

Just a quick photo of what I wore today – Military green pants, leopard ballet flats, fedora. Most of this outfit is actually from Kohl’s. I’m a little addicted to shopping there lately. I seem to find more pants that fit… Continue Reading →

Kohl’s clearance jewelry haul
& some DIY jewelry remixing

You know how Kohl’s sends you those $10 off coupons sometimes? Well I’m sometimes a sucker for clearance costume jewelry. Three necklaces and two pairs of earrings for about $16!! But wait, there’s more! The Dana Buchman earrings I turned… Continue Reading →

Gold Accents –
Elle ballet flats from Kohl’s, Forever21 Necklaces, & Earrings from JCPenney

1) Goldtone & white quartz hoop earrings from JC Penney (better looking than their pic) 2) Gold Beaded Forever21 necklace (not found online) 3) Black and Gold tribal beaded necklace from Forever21 4) Elle suede ballet flats with gold chain and tassels in… Continue Reading →

DIY Bracelet to Necklace { more turquoise jewelry }

So I found this great Ralph Lauren bracelet on clearance at Dillard’s. I didn’t like it as a bracelet as much as I wanted it for the giant clasp. I’ve been looking for a giant clasp since Switzerland and I… Continue Reading →

Photo of the day – Dec 10 2009

Some basic business attire from yesterday. The red flats I recently bought, a pair of dark dark grey pants with a tiny light green pinstripe that are at least 3 years old, and a white acrylic sweater I don’t remember… Continue Reading →

Made these this evening

Two of these were made from a stick of ram and the first one was made from other necklaces. (Photos & post from my iphone!)

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