Category: Clothing

  • Black Friday Fashion Blogging (post #4)

    Fashion bloggers this week are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption, individuality, and the importance of fashion in our lives” through Black Friday. For more info and background see my initial post. I just happened to get an ad in my e-mail. the names and the faces have been changed to protect the innocent.…

  • Black Friday Fashion Blogging (post #3)

    Fashion bloggers this week are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption, individuality, and the importance of fashion in our lives” through Black Friday. For more info and background see my initial post. You may think this is the lazy way out of posting today but it’s quite the opposite. I actually had prepared a…

  • Black Friday Fashion Blogging (post #2)

    Fashion bloggers this week are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption, individuality, and the importance of fashion in our lives” through Black Friday. For more info and background see my initial post. Today I’m going to talk about frugal shopping and alternatives to the mall – “RECYCLING”. Some of you may think that shopping…

  • Black Friday Fashion Blogging

    I’m a little late to the game here but I definitely think it’s worth participating and a great idea. Here’s the deal: Julie Frederickson of Almost Girl has organized a week of frugal and political fashion blogging for anyone willing to participate. Read her initial post [here] We are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption,…

  • Just a quick update

    My goal with was to try and have one to two posts per week. I was out sick for over a week here. I just happened to have prepped the CoverGirl DIY makeup pallet review before I got sick (I just hadn’t published it because I hadn’t gotten the image off of my digital…

  • FYI – if you’ve heard the rumors…they aren’t true

    Walmart will not be carrying the Tommy Hilfiger clothing line. 102355&articleId=102355&articleType=A&industryKw=issue