

November 23, 2005

Black Friday Fashion Blogging (post #4)

Fashion bloggers this week are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption, individuality, and the importance of fashion in our lives” through Black Friday. For more info and background see my initial post.

I just happened to get an ad in my e-mail. the names and the faces have been changed to protect the innocent. Actually I just photoshopped out their logo because hopefully you won’t be able to recognize anything else and then left everything else which I wanted to comment on in my post here.

charity shopping

Do you think that this is a great way to bring an organization to the public’s attentions?
Do you think this is an attempt to get you to buy more than you normally would in the name of charity?
If you were planning on buying something at the store does it just prompt you to do so sooner than later so that a charity can benefit as well?

Opinions? Feel free to comment. 🙂

And if you want to shop for charity, why not give directly? Keep in mind that I have not researched this charity to see what percentage of the incoming money goes where but since it’s used as an example I thought I should include a link:

November 22, 2005

Black Friday Fashion Blogging (post #3)

Fashion bloggers this week are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption, individuality, and the importance of fashion in our lives” through Black Friday. For more info and background see my initial post.

You may think this is the lazy way out of posting today but it’s quite the opposite. I actually had prepared a completely different post for today but decided to postpone it until tomorrow so I could bring you some links to other Black Friday Fashion Blogs today (say that three times fast – hehe.)

Why? Because I practically wrote several full posts within my responses and I think you should be reading some of these other bloggers’ posts as well. 🙂

The format will be link, small excerpt (but please read their full entry) and they my response:

Urban Uniform

I feel comfortable and capable in my urban uniform. My look becomes more about my face and mannerisms than my clothes. I have lots of different combinations of jeans and black jackets that allow some variety without thinking too hard about it. I think that’s what makes it so chic – it doesn’t require a seconds thought.


I think the key is quality, classic, tailored pieces that really fit YOU well. The “urban uniform” as you call it is a little bit more bland than this. Even with standard pieces you can still call attention to yourself by picking something more tailored.

I read a piece on Miss Couture that exemplifies this concept.

Classic tailored styles exist for both the business look and in jeans even.

I feel better when I look better, and at least where I live the “urban uniform” is a bit too bland and frumpy, on the verge of sloppy sometimes, for me to feel that good (though I do it when I just don’t care or have been sick.) 🙂

final fashion clarified afterwards…
I guess what i’m talking about the how standing out isn’t always the key thing… that’s why it’s a uniform, and you wear it when you don’t want to call attention to yourself. It’s not what I wear when I want to say “I’m terrific look at me”, it’s what I wear when I am living my life. I’m trying to express something here that didn’t quite come across.

I’m not disputing that a nicely tailored suit is a nice thing. I myself would love to have one someday. As for opportunities to wear it appropriately… I know that I won’t have many. I’d be a lot better off investing in new denim. (if I had the money to spend…)

Blasphemous though it may be… it’s not always about “nice” clothes. That’s what I’m trying to talk about. I guess I was exaggerating when I said it was chic. I take that back.


What are we investing in?

If you wear your leather Birkin 250 times per year for 5 years, you can divide the initial $6500 cost and get a CPW of [$6500 / (250 x 5)] = $5.20.

Is it fair to say that the Birkin is a better value, using this simplistic calculation? I say, no.

If it makes you truly happy and won’t cause you financial ruin, I encourage you to take the plunge and invest in your own happiness. You’ll be glad you did.

I agree and I disagree slightly with your comments about investment buying. There are clothes that make me happy for a season but then I get tired of them – I wouldn’t consider them investment pieces.

To me the so called investment pieces are the not necessarily the ones that are going to break the bank but the items that are easy to pair with a lot of the other items in my closet and will last from season to season. A pair of dark blue jeans with none of the trendy wiskering, fading or worn effects for example. A great pair of basic dress pants or a simple and versatile white, brown or black purse. Those are the kinds of things I think of when I hear “investment piece.”

Design as the New Frontier for Marketing

In our humble opinion, design helps to elevate products–from portable music devices like the iPod to basic consumer packaged goods like soap–above the masses. Faced with so many choices, consumers (ourselves included) need quick, easy cues to help us make buying decisions. And great product design goes beyond providing those easy visual cues, as it also can make product use easier.

Branding and brand placement comes to mind when I read your post. People define “branding” so many different ways but it’s not just the logo. A logo or name is what helps you identify a product or company but the key here is the brand’s personality that pops into your mind with that name or image. Is it cheap, expensive, durable, a temporary trend item that is durable enough for the season…

A company can establish a brand in a variety of ways; advertisements, celebrity endorsement, customer experience with the product, word of mouth from friends and family (or even reviews on amazon or epinions or another review site), even the way you feel when you look at that product…the list can go on and on.

It’s hard to sum up in a short post but hopefully you get the idea. It’s not new but I think the general populous is becoming more aware of it. I think that part of it is the fact that people are willing to pay a little extra for something like an ipod, a car, a pair of shoes because it’s more glamorous than the average product – that too has been gradual (remember how ugly computers used to be? Now you can easily find a black pc as opposed to the ugly beige that used to be your only choice.)

Anyway, that’s just my quick 2 cents on the subject – I could talk for DAYS about this.

Black Friday Blogging Day Four: The Economics of It All

For a young designer sending their work to be manufactured in China might be just the ticket to get them through the tough times. I am most concerned with fostering an economic culture that encourage entrepreneurship among designers. I don’t believe we have that currently. But what will do that? Are we ready to vote with our dollars? Would in fact having a publicist do just that for young designers? Can we use hype creatively and ethically?


This is a really complex topic. PR, Marketing, Branding, Advertising – the reality is that we don’t control it, we can only guide it, sort of like life. You can do things that have a greater chance of bringing a business more customers but I have seen too many businesses also fail because of growing pains – they had no plan and didn’t handle a growth spurt well and kill their business as a result.

(Business Tangent: Some also fail because they have little business knowledge – the different business personalities are Technician, Entrepreneur [business savvy] & Manager – a lot of people are good technicians but aren’t good with the business or manager side of things [if you realize this, you can hire people to fill out those areas that you aren’t as good at.] And my biggest tip to someone starting a business they are serious about, find a good bookkeeper and a good accountant [often two different people] to work with you if you don’t have an accounting background.)

In the case of a designer, outsourcing their manufacturing to china could be what they need (and who’s to say that even if the workers are working substandard for our culture that they’re not living in better conditions in their culture – I haven’t done a ton of research on this so I may be wrong) or outsourcing could go horribly wrong. If what they get back is significantly different from the standards that their clothing was known for (and they decide to sell it anyway because they have orders they need to fill) they could ruin their chances at succeeding in the long run. People don’t react well to over-promising and under-delivering or products not meeting their expectations.

Word of mouth has a great impact but you also have to get that word of mouth started. Sometimes GOOD advertising can do that. PR can help as well – getting the word out to spread in the mainstream media. A good celebrity endorsement can be like gold which is why celebs get so many freebies. The point is that products and businesses need some kick-starting of some sort – they don’t have to be the traditional marketing mix but you have to do something. Build it and they will come doesn’t work.

And example of something less traditional: I’ve know a couple of local shops that specialize in business attire that have taken the business networking approach – getting a booth at a Chamber of Commerce event to make their target market more aware of them. I don’t think there are any clothing designers locally (and personally the tailors seem to be in hiding here as well) but maybe they just don’t know how to get out there and get enough attention.

A lot of people don’t understand the value or appeal of their product – when meeting new people or presenting the product understanding this, sometimes what’s considered your 30 second elevator pitch in the business world, can help you catch the initial attention of whomever you are talking to … If they don’t understand what you do, why they might be interested, they won’t take that next step, ask more questions, or in the case of clothes, take the time to come in, try on and buy.

A publicity idea for designers: If you’re a designer, wear your clothes! Wear them well! Open yourself up to people with your posture (don’t glare, cross your arms, slouch) – be confident! People will ask you where you bought something if they are interested and you’re approachable. Go places where your target market might go if you don’t go there already (example, if you’re designing for ummmmm…. people with an interest in equestrian style, seek out horse shows, get to know people, go to other events that they go to, learn about them if you aren’t one of their crowd.) Get your friends and family to wear your clothing if it’s appropriate and looks good on them – they can market for you.

Basically the mainstream media is starting to look like the bad guys in part because there’s less of a connection with their audience. In part because SOME of it is SO expensive to even get a foot in the door. The focus on advertising is also “how can we make EVERYONE buy this” not “who does our product appeal to and how do we promote the features that make those people buy because it’s useful to them” and “how do we connect to the average person – how do we not seem so impersonal and self centered.”

Speaking of ethical markets, ask me about the LOHAS market because it’s typically a more ethical market and there are some big spenders there (it’s a complex topic unto itself which I don’t want to get into right now but wanted to bring up.)

I feel in a way like I’m spouting too much idealism here in a way because honestly, in my experience as a small business, I have seen people not be that honest or willing to work with their advertising/marketing/pr firm to deliver a message that is beneficial to them ot their potential customers.

It’s still a really organic process – not a process that you can say “this is THE right way to do this and THAT is wrong.”

I could REALLY go on and on about this – and let me know if you want me to. I’m a little concerned that I may have already thrown out too much business jargon that makes perfect sense to me but may need more explanation for the audience here.

And to wrap things up and hopefully lighten the mood, my quick opinion about fast fashion – based on current knowledge is treat it like fast food – in moderation it’s not going to make you fat. 🙂

Other articles of interest to add to your reading list today:
BLACK FRIDAY…Seriously Fashion (fashion vs. style)
Nothing But the Best: Pushing Price Limits For Quality, Distinction

November 21, 2005

Black Friday Fashion Blogging (post #2)

Fashion bloggers this week are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption, individuality, and the importance of fashion in our lives” through Black Friday. For more info and background see my initial post.

Today I’m going to talk about frugal shopping and alternatives to the mall – “RECYCLING”.

Some of you may think that shopping at the Goodwill or Salvation army is only for people in desperate need of cheap clothes. The reality is that you can get some really great finds by shopping these stores if you’re willing to take the time and enjoy the shopping process.

There is such variety all in one location. If you’re crafty and can sew, you can pick up things to cheaply alter (make a jean skirt out of someone’s old pair of jeans for example. And for those of you who love vintage, you just might find your jackpot.

The clothes aren’t all dirty and worn out, in fact some items I have brought home look like people make have outgrown them or simply gotten tired of them – even one that still had the price tag on it and another one designer label. I have a Cynthia Rowley silk top in my closet that only cost me $2.50. I have bought every manner of name brands, some including: Ann Taylor Loft, Abercrombie and Fitch, Liz Claiborne, American Eagle, Victoria’s Secret clothing, Express and Guess to name a few. I have also found some brands I’ve never heard of that have some decent basics (I’ll admit I’m a tank top addict.) There are 5 Goodwills and one Salvation army in the town that I live in and it’s easy to make a day of shopping them.

I buy mostly tops at the thrift stores but that’s because I have a hard time finding pants that fit anywhere, even department stores. One of the downfalls is that if you find something you like but it isn’t the right size, you’re not likely to find it in a different size.

The Budget Fashionista has a good post on disinfecting thrift shop clothing that has actually created a bit of debate. My vote is for a very thorough washing before wearing minus her recommended pine sol disinfectant, but I also won’t buy used underwear or bathing suits and shoes to me can be a bit sketchy as well. To each their own though.

On this same note is consignment shops and other second hand stores.

I don’t know of any national chains for consignment shops so what you find will be based on your area. Some are better than others and since there is usually a review process for the clothing, your overall quality can sometimes be better than what you might find at Goodwill and Salvation Army (but it depends on the consignment shop.) Usually the prices are more at consignment shops than at the Salvation Army or Goodwill but items are still really cheap in comparison to buying new.

Shopping at a consignment shop isn’t any different than shopping at any other store. How consignment shops typically work from the sellers point of view is where things are different: people bring in their gently used clothing, it is reviewed by staff there where they can reject items they don’t think they will be able to sell, some consignment stores have a minimum number of pieces they will accept to set up an account (others don’t), some require an appointment to bring in clothes and others don’t, the store catalogs the clothes that were brought in and they assign prices and put them out in their store, usually if a piece doesn’t sell after a certain amount of time it’s marked down, if it doesn’t sell after 3 months or so you can pick the clothing back up or have it donated to charity. If the clothes a person brings in sell, the seller makes a set percentage of the sale and the consignment shop takes the remaining for their commission.

This is just a general overview as policies vary from store to store some. Also what one consignment shop may refuse, another may take.

One national chain for second hand teen/young adult clothing is Plato’s Closet. The difference between this and a consignment store is that they buy the clothes outright but the clothes are also reviewed before added to the store.

The consignment shops and second hand stores are a great way to not only save money as someone addicted to clothing but it’s also a way to make some money on pieces that you may be tired of, or that no longer fit.

A possible project for the week before Black Friday: go through your closet and assess what you already have, get rid of items you have definitely outgrown or haven’t worn in over a year (special occasion items may be an exception – I have a couple of outfits just in case a certain type of event comes up.) Seek out consignment stores and ask about their policies for selling items and take in clothing to sell.

Items they don’t take or that don’t sell in the long run, donate to Goodwill’s and Salvation Army’s (if you drop your items off at a store drop off area while they’re open, it counts as a charitable donation and you can get a receipt for when you file taxes.)

And one last thing I wanted to mention if you are looking of ways to get rid of items – although it doesn’t count as a tax deductible donation, you may want to check out It’s a great way to “recycle” by giving away unwanted items to people who can put them to good use (you might even luck out and get something great this way too.) 🙂

Look for another great post for Black Friday Blogging tomorrow!

November 20, 2005

Black Friday Fashion Blogging

I’m a little late to the game here but I definitely think it’s worth participating and a great idea.

Here’s the deal: Julie Frederickson of Almost Girl has organized a week of frugal and political fashion blogging for anyone willing to participate. Read her initial post [here]

We are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption, individuality, and the importance of fashion in our lives” through Black Friday (you know, that huge shopping day after Thanksgiving … that day I don’t usually leave the house.) Adbusters likes to call it BND – Buy Nothing Day

Don’t get me wrong – I personally don’t mind a little consumerism. What I don’t like is essentially a mass hysteria that black Friday creates. Waiting in lines to try on clothes, pushing through crowds at the mall just to get to that next store, people get rude, they get cranky, it’s just not a happy or fun thing and I want shopping to remain happy and fun. I would rather stay at home, in fact I’d rather stay at home than go to the mall anytime between Thanksgiving and Christmas to be quite frank.

A little story about holiday customer service (plus a grumpy customer): somehow I went out to the mall at some point before Christmas last year to go clothes shopping. I found an awesome creme cashmere sweater for about $50. The checkout line was HUGE but I wanted the sweater so I got in line to wait.

The woman behind me complained and complained – very vocally. She was making me grumpy just having to listen to her. Finally when she said “I see salespeople on the floor, why can’t they get them to open up more cash registers.” I finally broke down and turned to her and said “a lot of times they hire people for one month around the holidays. These people are often there to clean up and take care of things that require minimum training. More than likely the people you see cleaning up the clothes people have thrown on the floor aren’t trained to work the cash register.” Response “ooooooh, that makes sense.” She didn’t complain after that.

I too wish that they would open up more registers around the holiday season BUT I also know that a lot of stores hire people as floor staff only – not someone authorized and trained to use a register. Someone who has access to the cash register has to be trusted, they have to know store policies, they have to know what they are doing with the register or time has to be spent on training them to use the register (and they may also have to pay more per hour to find someone who isn’t looking for a mindless seasonal job.)

Plus you have to realize that the more the store has to spend on training and service, those costs can be passed along to you as a customer. There are times I would rather certain businesses spent more money on service and training but it’s up to each business to decide how to walk that line of service, price and profit. You get to choose whether your overall shopping experience is worth coming back for (or staying for, I could have put the sweater back instead of getting in line.)

From my own business point of view I think customer service pays and is worth the time, effort and cost in most cases but I also think sometimes businesses should be cut some slack when they aren’t perfect or ideal (though it’s a different story when someone is unapologetically and blatantly rude to you.)

Anyway – I will try and keep additional Black Friday posts to a more positive nature. As part of this as well, I will not be adding items this week to my promos, coupon codes and sales section. Look for my next post tomorrow! 🙂

November 17, 2005

Just a quick update

My goal with was to try and have one to two posts per week. I was out sick for over a week here. I just happened to have prepped the CoverGirl DIY makeup pallet review before I got sick (I just hadn’t published it because I hadn’t gotten the image off of my digital camera.)

If things get a little silent for awhile here it’s because I’m self-employeed and I’m trying to catch up on the work that didn’t get done while I was out sick for so long. I just wanted to let everyone know because I don’t want you all thinking that I’ve abandoned you or that this was some phase to be forgotten.

I will hopefully be back soon! Meanwhile I promise to keep up with the promos section (which I haven’t had time to create a menu link for yet): Somehow I managed to keep up with thatmost days even though I was sick.

In the meantime, if you’re bored, check out some of the fashion sites listed in my blogroll. 🙂