- LaROCCA Champagne and Shimmer Acai Sugar Polish
- Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Bars (these are delicious!)
- Klorane Soothing Eye Makeup Remover with Cornflower Water
- Oscar Blandi Jasmine Protein Mist
- Zoya Gems & Jewels Collection
I didn’t manage to review all of the products for the blog this month but wanted to go ahead and post this.
Klorane Soothing eye makeup remover with coneflower
My ingredients differed from those listed in the Cosmetics Database so I ran my own report. The Cosmetics Database gave this a 3 (left image) which was already good but with the ingredients from the bottle I got a 2 (right image.) Click to enlarge either report.
I ended up not trying this ONLY because the flowery smell made my nose itch (I can’t handle some flowery scents hanging around on me all day, allergies.)
LaRocca Champagne and Shimmer Body Scrub:
Notice the contradicting in marketing there? Fragrance in the ingredients but then just after that they’re trying to market that it’s fragrance free? Meh.
The rest of the ingredients were good so I did try this. I do wonder because it had a wonderful cooling feel after I rinsed if there wasn’t mint or something else that’s not listed in the ingredients. It wasn’t quite the same feel as mint oil but similar in some way.