Just a selection of things I’ve pinned or repinned on pinterest recently.
Click on any image below for a larger view OR go for the links to sites, go to: http://pinterest.com/hilary_baumann/style-files/
Recently on Pinterest: September 24th edition
Just a selection of things I’ve pinned or repinned on pinterest recently.
Click on any image below for a larger view OR go for the links to sites, go to: http://pinterest.com/hilary_baumann/style-files/
Recently on Pinterest : July 9th edition
Just a selection of things I’ve pinned or repinned on pinterest recently.
Click on any image below for a larger view OR go for the links to sites, go to: http://pinterest.com/hilary_baumann/style-files/
Odd N Ends
First attempt at chevron and neon nails.
“and go and get yourself some cheap sunglasses…” I scratch my old sunglasses and needed some new. The kiosk mirrors were horrible so I was taking photos with my phone to get a better look.
Yeah the dresses are not working … was trying to find a dress for a wedding. I ended up wearing a skirt instead (it was a bajillion degrees, people were in all manner of dress.) It didn’t help that when I was trying on dresses I had been bitten by something (I think spider) and had a reaction that included mild systemic inflammation. I felt a good 10lbs heavier and poofy. :/
If this hadn’t been black I would have bought it. Perfect for hot weather, cute (cuter than in the photo) but not a wedding guest dress. Not in KY, not in the daytime.
Talbot’s outlet. Felt like a sausage in this.
Cute but too “fall”… also not what I was shopping for.
Moved on to shoes.
Cute but not quite. (Marshall’s)
Better but wanted a little darker… these are cute however and I might go back.
LOVED these navy nautical wedges but they got veto’d for a wedding. A little over the top. I was already wearing neon nail polish. TJ Maxx so close.
Then JACKPOT – Payless Shoes (again somehow)
Top: Riveira in saddle
LOVE these sandals and the fact that they can be worn two ways.
Bottom Left: Twain wedge in white
Bottom Right: Vander Band Wedge in Navy
All three purchased, all three are Montego Bay Club brand.
And finally, what I wore to the wedding.