Category: Clothing

  • Quick update…

    Long story short, my main computer’s motherboard kicked the bucket and I had to replace it … and subsequently the heatsink … and today the graphics card will be replaced (since it’s incompatble with the new motherboard.) So I have a lot of work (self- employed) to catch up on and won’t be able to…

  • My mannequin came in the mail today!

    It’s a plastic form on a hanger which means it won’t take up too much space and it will hang nice and neat on the door hooks I have already. This will definately make it easier to actually show everyone what these clothes could look like on (I pondered a sewing dress form with a…

  • Sneak Peek – Aunt Net’s Closet

    I’ve been put in charge of selling clothes for my great aunt’s estate. Although it may be a month or so before I can get it all online the plastic mannequin hanger HAS been ordered! 🙂 I do still have to go through the rest of the clothes, organize, measure, write descriptions and photograph each…

  • In the works

    I know I haven’t been posting as often here but I’ve been trying to make sure there’s at least one post per week (which I know I’ve fallen a little behind on.) I wanted to let you know what’s in the works here though. One thing is a directory of shopping and fashion related links…

  • Easter is coming….

    … and you know what that means. Easter church attire and….. PEEPS! Though I don’t think I can quite come up with something that fits for both, I did find some great wearable peeps (click on the image to go to their site):

  • Website worth mentioning I heard about this on a podcast that I listen to. The idea is to post items you want to get rid of and look through posts that other people have made to swap or buy used clothes and accessories. It’s a little confusing at first because you’re taken to the forum first which…