

April 29, 2011

A slew of crafts and DIY goodness

All of these are from (I’ve gotten a little behind on my rss feed reading but I wanted to share these in particular):

March 29, 2011

JCPenney – “Backordered” is different than “there are no more”

And the purse I ordered from JCPenney that was backordered – then they canceled the order. Clearly “there are no more” is different from “backordered” so I’m a little miffed. But read on… that wasn’t the case!

It took them a week to tell me that my order had been canceled and what’s worse is that they haven’t removed the purse from their online store so I could try purchasing it again.

We must cancel your Backorder because our supplier is temporarily out of stock. Please call our Toll-Free shopping number 1-800-322-1189 and one of our representatives will be happy to help you with an alternate selection.”

I’m very picky about my purses. No magnet snap, certain size, certain strap. I’ve looked through their entire stock, there is nothing comparable.

Also do you notice that it says “temporarily out of stock” mentioned in their e-mail? If it’s actually temporary, what if I want to wait for that purse? I thought that’s what backordered meant? And I saw the “backordered until April 24th” before I checked out, I was willing to wait. I knew that when I ordered.

OK – so I did call to ask but their automated system put me on hold, played 30 second of hold music and then the hold music cut off mid song. Waited 3 minutes, redialed.

Got someone this time. Static-y call, had them call me back. Was surprised that they did and the call was fine. She said that if the item is backordered for over a month JCPenney cancels the order. Awesome (note the sarcasm.) So I’m going to try again since it’s now less than a month for the item to come in…


Edit: Since @jcpenney canceled my backorder because they ASSUMED I didn’t want to wait 30 days, I have to pay $10 more (promo code I used no longer works and I can’t re-order off the original invoice.)

This has made me mad and if I could buy this Liz Claiborne purse anywhere else I would.  I checked ebay and that was a no-go so I went ahead and made the purchase AGAIN with JCP. Maybe I’ll see my purse by the end of April. This has been idiotic.

March 10, 2011

What I wore today – sorta

This is actually not today but something I wore sometime last week and couldn’t get to upload with my phone. The shirt is a new-to-me chico’s shirt I picked up thrifting.

And then a scary photo of my closet. It’s not normally organized by color but I had some colors grouped by accident and wondered if I had an excess of any particular color. Turned out, though it’s hard to tell in the picture, I have a lot of white short sleeve shirts at the back there (that I don’t wear much.)

January 29, 2011

Shopping today – Dillard’s Jan 29 2011

I thought I would share some photos I took during my short trip to Dillard’s today. I thought I was going to look at coats (which I did) but nothing caught my eye so I moved on.

Loved this Ralph Lauren plaid (isn’t it plaid?) short sleeve turtleneck.

Problems: Turtlenecks look a little odd on me sometimes (not the right neckline) unless they are worn under a sweater. Clearly worn under the sweater jacket wasn’t cutting it. That and even on sale it was about $50. Amazing fabric though so if the neckline had been right I would have bought it.

Moving on.

Antonio Melani – never heard of them but some amazing pieces. I should have taken a picture of their purses. Loved those and would have looked closer at them if the hardware were silver instead of gold. Why is it all the nice purses seem to have gold hardware?

Love this dress! The colors, the detail around the neck! Too bad I don’t wear dresses much if at all. I didn’t even bother looking at the price tag. Next!

Excuse the bad photo, love the cut and it would be perfect on me. Then I looked at the price tag. Gulp. Ok when was the last time I really went shopping? Or maybe it was the fact that I had been looking at coats that were this price. ~$80 Oh yes here we go on the website – better than my photo:


Yup more sticker shock. $119. I would invest in some pieces like this though. I have a short sleeve green blouse that has a similar fit to the brown shirt that I wear to a lot of first client meetings. Red or brown would be versatile in my wardrobe.


Loved the mix of fabrics. Did not catch it’s name or number but I knew it would not work with ruffles near my bust. Not sure why I photographed it.


Liked the fit. Liked the price but I wasn’t elated about the color on me. Maybe it was the dressing room lights but I put this one in my maybe pile. Brand was I.N. and it was about $14 on sale. Yes, I went to the juniors department, so shoot me.

Bingo! Perfecto. A bit dressy, good colors, a good shape. Paper Doll was the brand. Yes, it’s from the juniors department, yes it was cheap polyester (I promise I don’t wear much cheap poly) and it was only $12.

Winner. Bought.

Time for dinner. Though that mirror was a little cruel to me and told me that I had some back flab when I twisted just so. Yes, dinner time anyway. Meany mirrors!