

February 19, 2006

Some spring shoe picks

Just some shoes that I saw that I liked for spring. 🙂

Nine West – Easy Going
$ 82.95
Pretty simple and versatile shoe without being boring.

Luichiny – HH 138
$ 84.95
A little more glamour, loving the tourquois.

Steven – Quelle
I’ve liked these shoes for awhile now. I actually meant to add them in October as they are more fall looking anyway.

Irregular Choice – 2794-10 C
Cute, a little over the top, almost a little too funky but they have a nice balance somehow still that I like.

October 7, 2005

Rainboot Madness

I started shopping on Amazon recently for some shoes. I found a cute pair of rain boots and one rain boot led to another. The items below are all under $70. I also found a good selection from Target for $20 but through amazon’s link program the images wouldn’t show up which means I’m going to have to manually add them later.

October 7, 2005


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