Category: Clothing

  • “Organic” and “Natural” not always good…

    A newly released study commissioned by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), a watchdog group with over 500,000 members, and overseen by environmental health consumer advocate David Steinman (author of The Safe Shopper’s Bible), analyzes leading “natural” and “organic” brand shampoos, body washes, lotions and other personal care products for the presence of the undisclosed carcinogenic…

  • Lantern-sleeve blouses

    Ruffled sleeves … a little bit girly, a little bit unique and a little bit of a twist on the regular old business attire. I tried on a shirt this weekend that had a very cute ruffled sleeve. Looking online this weekend I found that some places it’s being called a lantern sleeve though when…

  • Akris / Akris Punto at Saks Fifth Avenue

    I’m in love with a designer … one that is out of my price range ($1,000 for a jacket – ouch.) Mostly I like the Akris Punto line with the clean lines and classic look but there are a few dresses from the Akris line that also caught my eye. I need a sewing machine…

  • Skinny Models

    I know I know … usually I don’t get into this debate because I really think companies should use whatever model they feel like. In addition, some people are naturally stick skinny and shouldn’t be force fed like geese being prepped for pate simply because people assume they don’t eat. That said, below is a…

  • Katie Holmes – fashion & style eye candy

    Click on any image for a larger view – do you like the old Katie Holmes? Or the new Katie? I personally love her hair either way – her fashion choices are almost always gorgeous. Tom scares me a bit but that’s a separate story – we’re talking fashion here. 🙂

  • Interesting Eye diagram for eyeshadow