Lantern-sleeve blouses

Ruffled sleeves … a little bit girly, a little bit unique and a little bit of a twist on the regular old business attire.

I tried on a shirt this weekend that had a very cute ruffled sleeve. Looking online this weekend I found that some places it’s being called a lantern sleeve though when you do a search for lantern sleeve you get a bit of variety in interpretation. Some have a simple ruffle on the end of the sleeve that doesn’t flare much, some have elastic on the end of the ruffle that creates a sort of bubble on the end of the sleeve and some seem to have something that resembles a bubble skirt on the end of the sleeve.

The only reason I didn’t buy it was because it was black, already showing a bit of white fuzz at the store and I have cats with white fur. I’m almost regretting it anyway since it was only $7.50 – a location of Dillard’s is closing nearby and everything is on clearance with no returns (technically they are being chased out by the property owners and I don’t have a clear idea of what they plan on doing with that mall yet.) I keep thinking though that maybe I could bleach and re-dye that shirt since it was 98% cotton and 2% spandex…. sigh…

Here are some other cute ones: