
Beauty & Skin

January 30, 2015

Zoya Haul

#nailpolishhaul I have a weakness… #Zoya tempted me with one of their deals and I ended up with 9 new shades!

Left to right: Wendy, LC, Tori, Emalia, Genvieve, Ling, Anais, Charlotte, Severine. I’ll be doing swatches hopefully soon! 🙂


January 21, 2015

Hair dryers – what’s your favorite?

#hairdryer #hairstyle #stylingtools On Friday my hair dryer died. It went out with a small flame and a puff of smoke. But when I went back to my older hairdryer that was in storage I realized how much a difference this hair dryer made. I ended up ordering another one of these because they are so cheap but now I’m curious, what’s everyone’s favorite hair dryer???


January 7, 2015

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil Shampoo {repurchased}

#guiltypleasure #shampoo #birchbox #shuuemura I use this about 1-2x a week and it will last a year that way. At $55 I can’t bring myself to use it daily but it guarantees a good hair day for me and seems to have some lingering effects.

I don’t know that I want to know its EWGEWG Environmental Working Group - an organization focused on research to make informed choices and live a healthy life in a healthy environment. score but I will post that soon. It looks like I’m going to have to type out the ingredients for this one since it’s not online (or rather the one place I found the ingredients listed it doesn’t match.)

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil Shampoo repurchased Jan 2015 •

Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil Shampoo empties •

December 23, 2014

Birchbox unboxing December 2014

Birchbox unboxing December 2014 • • including EWG Skin Deep Cosmetics Database reports

ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 3Vasanti Kajal Extreme Intense Eye Pencil in rose gold – die dimethicone die! Why must you make my face break out? And yes this is an eyeliner and my eyes don’t break out but I can smear or the process of taking makeup off … yeah. Annoying. Because otherwise this isn’t that unhealthy and the color is gorgeous. It’s a 3 with the EWG Skin Deep Cosmetics Database.

ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 2Mirenesse iCurl Secret Weapon 24 Hour Mascara – more cones … and it’s not waterproof but it’s healthy. It ranks a 2 with the cosmetics database. And good reviews so you might want to try this.
ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 3JUARA Turmeric Antioxidant Radiance Mask – 3 for 3 for me here with dimethicone again and my own personal problems with that. Not too bad on the rest though. This is a 3 with the cosmetics database. 3 for 3 is a 3! Hehe … SMH… nevermind.
ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 4W3LL PEOPLE Bio Brightener Stick – I believe I chose this one because of the healthy ingredients. It gets knocked down a notch unnecessarily for “unspecified oils” because of the essential oil blend. Granted it annoys me a little to not have a full list for allergy related reasons but it’s not enough to worry me with this brand. This ranks a surprising 4 with the cosmetics database. This is one of those “take it with a grain of salt and review the full report” situations in my opinion though.

ewg-skindeep-cosmetics-database-score-unknownDavines Replumping Shampoo & Conditioner – So the ingredient list on Birchbox for both is not accurate. There’s WAY more than “Essential petit grain oil, plum phytoceutical, gentle surfactants” in each of these. And I just don’t have the patience at the moment to type out the ingredient list for both of these at the moment. The bad: fragrance. The good: no cones, no parabens and nothing else that looks too bad. I’ve been wrong before but I think this would be pretty healthy and I do want to try it.

ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 5Davines Replumping Superactive – I couldn’t identify 2 of the ingredients but even so this ranks a 5 with the cosmetics database without those. Cones rules this one out for me but it’s also not very healthy.

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December 23, 2014

Ipsy Glambag unboxing December 2014

Ipsy Glambag unboxing December 2014 • • including EWG Skin Deep Cosmetics Database reports

ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 3Beauty Without Cruelty A.H.A. 3% Facial Cleanser – No cones, no parabens, no fragrance. This is actually a fairly healthy product. It ranks a 3 with the EWG Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. I believe that the reason it is this high has to do with the acids that help turn over skin cells. Like a lighter version of a chemical peel, these may also cause skin irritation for those with certain skin sensitivities. But there are essential oils that should help calm and alleviate some of the irritation. Glycolic acid is in fact something that typically does good things for my skin. I haven’t used glycolic acids in awhile though due to the fragrances and other unhealthy ingredients in most of the products that contain it. I look forward to trying this.

ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 1CAILYN Cosmetics Just Mineral Eye Polish – with only three ingredients, this is a healthy 1 with the cosmetics database. This is one of those products that could be wonderful or it could have no staying power. It may also flake out which is what I had happen with some of the Jessi’s Girl eyeshadow pigments. Despite being named “orchid” it’s more of a neutral shade the reminds me of champagne with just a touch of ballet slipper pink. Point shoe … thats the color it reminds me of…

ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 5NYX Cosmetics Butter Lip Balm – dimethicone (makes me break out), fragrance, petrolatum. This is a cheap and cheaply made product and is a 5 with the cosmetics database. I won’t be trying it. The four colors they sent out are very appealing shades however.

ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 6Sexy Hair 450° Blow Out Heat Defense Blow Dry Spray Mini – Cones fragrance and this is an unhealthy 6 with the cosmetics database. Why is it so hard to find healthy and effective hair sprays? Particularly in drugstore products … even if they are higher end drugstore products.

ewg skindeep cosmetics database score 4tarte deluxe lights, camera, lashes™ 4-in-1 mascara – why does no one ever send waterproof mascaras? Aside from that, this is pretty good for a mascara. Just not great and there are better. No cones or fragrances or parabens and it’s a 4 with the cosmetics database.


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