Fashion bloggers this week are sharing our “views on fashion, consumption, individuality, and the importance of fashion in our lives” through Black Friday. For more info and background see my initial post.

Today IS Black Friday. Part of me wants to say something profound about fashion. But really, I just want to really take a day off and I suggest you do the same.

Ideas for things to do today (that aren’t hectic, work or shopping related):
– Drink a warm cup of tea while reading a book (if you don’t have a book, call the library and see if they’re open.)
– Haul out the faux Christmas trees or holiday decor and decorate (you know things are going to get hectic in the weeks to come so if it’s not something you dread, you might as well do it now.)
– Clean house if you don’t consider it too much work. (Sometimes there’s good work – the kind that’s not part of your daily/weekly pattern.)
– Take a nap.
– Eat leftovers.
– Play a board game with friends (heck, invite friends over the hang out or make a mad escape from the mall if they’re the insane type.)
– Look at the things you’ve been putting off doing and make a to do list that you don’t have to start working on today.
– Clean the fridge … ok maybe you did that when you shoved leftover turkey in there.
– Clean out your closet. Play dress up and see if you can find a clothing combo that you hadn’t thought of that looks surprisingly good.
– Take out your makeup and experiment. Or give yourself a facial with products you already have at home.
– If you’re at your family’s house, stop reading this and hang out with your family.
– GET OFF YOUR COMPUTER – it’s nice to take a technology break. That’s what I will be doing today (I wrote this before I went to bed last night.)

Happy day after Thanksgiving!!! (I should have said Happy Thanksgiving yesterday.)