

July 7, 2012

Odd N Ends

Neon and chevron nail polish

First attempt at chevron and neon nails.

"And go and get yourself some cheap sunglasses"

“and go and get yourself some cheap sunglasses…” I scratch my old sunglasses and needed some new. The kiosk mirrors were horrible so I was taking photos with my phone to get a better look.

Blue dress Kohl's

Yeah the dresses are not working … was trying to find a dress for a wedding. I ended up wearing a skirt instead (it was a bajillion degrees, people were in all manner of dress.) It didn’t help that when I was trying on dresses I had been bitten by something (I think spider) and had a reaction that included mild systemic inflammation. I felt a good 10lbs heavier and poofy. :/

Black dress Talbot's Outlet

If this hadn’t been black I would have bought it. Perfect for hot weather, cute (cuter than in the photo) but not a wedding guest dress. Not in KY, not in the daytime.I feel like a sausage - talbot's outlet

Talbot’s outlet. Felt like a sausage in this.

burgundy shirt talbot's

Cute but too “fall”… also not what I was shopping for.

Moved on to shoes.

Brown wedges

 Cute but not quite. (Marshall’s)

Tan wedges

Better but wanted a little darker… these are cute however and I might go back.

Nautical wedges TJ Maxx

LOVED these navy nautical wedges but they got veto’d for a wedding. A little over the top. I was already wearing neon nail polish. TJ Maxx so close.

Then JACKPOT – Payless Shoes (again somehow)

Saddle Brown Riviera Payless Shoes Saddle Brown sandals - Payless Shoes - Riveira

Payless Shoes white wedge - Twain wedge Navy Wedge Payless Shoes - Vander Band Wedge

 Top: Riveira in saddle
LOVE these sandals and the fact that they can be worn two ways.

Bottom Left: Twain wedge in white

Bottom Right: Vander Band Wedge in Navy

All three purchased, all three are Montego Bay Club brand.

And finally, what I wore to the wedding.

Green and Navy outfit 1 Green and Navy outfit 2

May 29, 2012

Zappos VIP?

So … how are they deciding this? I know Zappos was bought by Amazon so I get some sense that because I have some zappos items in my Amazon wish list I might have gotten this invite to: http://vip.zappos.com/

or maybe it was the white men’s shoes Tim just bought using my account. Yes, Tim will own white dress shoes (and it scares me just a little.) 🙂


Anyone have any experiences with this yet?

November 19, 2009

6pm.com …

My shoes were delivered today. We’ll start with the good news, I liked all but one pair and they arrived super fast.

The bad news? 6pm.com needs to use more tape. Simple, cheap, tape…
Why? Because I’m missing a shoe. One single shoe …
One piece of tape across the package each direction containing 9 pairs of shoes with no bubble wrap wasn’t sufficient. It appeared to be the only shoe box inside that hadn’t been plastic wrapped or have a plastic strip holding it closed which would explain why it didn’t show up with even fewer shoes inside.

Yes, they refunded me for that pair because they have no more in stock but somehow I’m feeling like that just isn’t making up for the fact that possibly one of the cutest shoes I’ve laid eyes on got lost in the mail and now I won’t get a pair.

I’ve checked e-bay, I’ve checked amazon, I’ve checked about 10 pages worth of sites looking for a replacement and it’s sold out everywhere in every size.

Anyone buy the Nine West Assilla shoe in an 8-8.5 that they want to get rid of? Pretty please? I’m going to wear one shoe around the house and pout now …

I know I know … I should be happy for the other 7 pairs of shoes I’m keeping and are cute….