First I started with a coat of Sinful Color base, then Sinful Colors in “Bikini” which is a BRIGHT pink shade. And to think, at the beginning of February I thought that Zoya’s “Lo” was bright.
I have now reapplied this color when it started to chip. AND it’s stayed on without chipping for a very long time (I’m thinking around 7 days) before chipping. And I’m not gentle to my nails. I love how smooth this polish goes on and the fact that both times I’ve used it, I’ve been smudge and dent free on top and stayed that way.
Then I found this at CVS: Spoiled by Wet N’ Wild in “Did I dye it too blonde?” 🙂 And I was thinking “let’s take this to the next level, it’s only $2, I want to try this neon yellow thing out too.”
Next was several failed attempts at applying this yellow. It’s rather sheer:
- The first try I just applied it to my existing color which made for a really nice orange shade but it wasn’t what I was looking for.
- Second attempt I used it just on top of a base coat. It lacked “oopmh.” It looked very plain, very boring, still sheer. I could have more color on my nail if I used a highlighting marker.
- Third try was the charm. I used a coat of white first and finally got that in your face shade I was seeing in the bottle.

Love it!!
Pictured here with the heart nail file from one of my previous Birchbox’s.
Review of the polishes (not the colors) below:
I will say I’m not amazed by this particular brand nail polish, Spoiled, just because it IS so sheer and it does stay as clean and smooth looking as the Sinful Colors. I’m not sure if this is the entire brand or the color itself. I would give both a second chance. I do think I might invest in a better neon yellow though if my second attempt doesn’t go so well with this yellow.
I am in love with the Sinful Colors “Bikini” pink though because it goes on and stays on so well. I do think the quality there is almost on par with $7-10 nail polishes (did I mention Sinful Colors is a $2 nail polish as well?)
It IS a cheap way to give neon a try.
Affiliate link below (the opinions above are my own, I only sought out the affiliate link because I like the product so much!)