

August 2, 2008

DIY fashion resources:

These are just some quick resources I wanted to share. I’ve altered some t-shirts recently myself and hopefully will finish those off and take some pics soon. Been busy with work so I’m sorry about the lack of posting!

Even if you don’t like all of the clothes on these sites, sometimes you’ll come away with an idea or technique that you can use. 🙂

March 26, 2008

Banana Republic Cool Linen eye candy

Banana Republic Cool Linen

This came via e-mail the other day. The bad part is that I didn’t note which company it was from so when I went to put it online and was trying to remember I thought it was Ann Taylor Loft initially, then I tried J Crew, THEN I realized it was Banana Republic. Anyway – cute business jacket belted that way. Not your ordinary bland and boring but also not so over the top you couldn’t wear it.