Ok, I have really needed some new belts. Simple, utilitarian, cute belts. Ideally I need one in black since my black one is getting a bit worn. Black grosgrain ribbon in the correct width wasn’t available at Walmart at midnight when I went looking for clearance belts though so I ended up with leopard (and several others I have yet to make.)

That should be the first part … seek out a really hideous clearance belt that has a decent buckle or recycle an old belt buckle (either your own or thrifted.)

I found THE most bizarr perfect belt last night for $3… it had 6 … SIX buckles on one belt and 3 rings that I could also use. I found two and bought both (they had black as well but those were still $10 each.) So for $6 I can make 15 belts (though I’m working out a way to make these so you change the ribbon and use one buckle.) $0.40 per belt buckle, not bad and it still seems rather strange to have come across this when I was looking for buckles.

6 buckle belt

I expect you will be able to easily find $1 belt buckles though (don’t forget to check the children’s sections – it doesn’t matter how long or ugly the belt is because you just need the buckle.)

And here’s what I’ve made so far:

Leopard DIY belt full pic on dresser

Leopard print belt on

Leopard print ribbon for about $2 and I can get two belts out of it. Less than $1 for the brown ribbon I sewed to the back. Grommets and press I had on hand already (but I think you can find a grommet kit for around $18 maybe?)

You could make a D ring or O ring version without the grommets which I’m going to do with one wider ribbon I fell in love with. I’ll share that once I’ve made it.

As a side note, I think I might be able to make a funky purse strap out of the leftover red belt pleather.