Drugstore.com lost PART of an item. They only sell the the Travelon containers in pairs or sets of threes. When I sent Drugstore.com a message about only getting one bottle they gave me a refund for HALF of the item! I can’t just go buy one bottle, half a package! I even checked ebay.
Oh and they had originally thrown in a bar of soap I didn’t order like that was supposed to compensate me for losing part of my order. It’s not like it’s horribly expensive but it’s just plain annoying.
On the plus side, I now have one bottle of the conditioner I can’t find locally. Time to find somewhere else to buy that I guess.
Soooo I think this is completely and amazingly taken care of. Store credit and new bottles are supposed to be on their way to me. I will let you all know when I see my new set of bottles!
Update 2: They’re in!
Apparently the bar of soap is actually a sample that isn’t labeled “Sample.” I really did think that someone doing the boxing had thrown in a bar of soap to try and compensate for the missing bottle. Alls well that ends well.
1 Comment
My name is Devona and I’m with drugstore.com Customer Care.
Very sorry to hear about this experience. I’d like to make this right for
you. Can you please send an e-mail with your account specifics (order # or
name) to [email protected] or give us a call at 1-800-378-4786? I will
monitor this alias and help you out. Thanks and sorry once again!